Making Business Leaders Teachable – Theme of the Day for RECONVERGE:G2 Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Making Business Leaders Teachable – Theme of the Day for RECONVERGE:G2 Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Why is it so hard for business leaders to admit they know less than they thought they did about their circumstances and must instead come to grips with the facts in order to confront reality? Before we can answer that question we must first ask, why is it that we expect CEOs and others in the executive leadership suite to have all the best answers instead of asking all the best questions?

Values Disruption: How Intelligence Analysts Make Business Leaders More Teachable and Awaken Cultures of Humility

Values Disruption: How Intelligence Analysts Make Business Leaders More Teachable and Awaken Cultures of Humility

Only the most forward-thinking software engineers and data scientists claim to understand the multiplying variety of disruptive digital technologies and trends invading our organizations. Even worse, the business leaders deciding how to deflect, adopt or simply question the impacts of these disruptors on their strategies and stakeholders are handicapped by biases of superiority, optimism and illusions of control. As analysts, the confusion we feel when assessing the potential impacts of these trends on the companies we serve is frustrating and demoralizing. Why can’t leaders admit we know less than we think we do?

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Customer Centricity Simulation

Maximize lifetime value of “good” customers. Rounding out Aurora WDC’s slate of presentations on Thursday afternoon’s portion of the RECONVERGE G:2 symposium was Allison Hartsoe, CEO, Ambition Data, LLC…

Innovation Intelligence

Rounding out Wednesday afternoon sessions at the Aurora WDC intelligence leadership symposium, RECONVERGE:G2, was a presentation by Clay Phillips, Founder and Principal, Crow’s Nest Consulting LLC, who discussed the concept of innovation intelligence.