
We all eat, but very few of us have a “perfect” relationship with food. In fact, an unhealthy diet is the root cause of an outsized share of health problems and a global epidemic of obesity. In our organizations, we all need intelligence in order to make informed decisions. But like food, very few organizations have a healthy relationship with intelligence. They suffer from information bloat that plagues their ability to effectively create and deliver intelligence. CI industry veteran Zena Applebaum will step you through the many similarities between food and intelligence, and how your organization can avoid Infobesity!

  1. Learn how to make judicious information consumption decisions – not too much, not too little, as well as “healthy” versus “unhealthy” information choices.
  2. Understand why information diet and analytical fitness are crucial to embedded CI functions.
  3. Learn why creating a CI culture within your organization is vital to healthy balance and lasting results.


About the Provocateur

Zena Applebaum is the Director of Competitive Intelligence at Bennett Jones LLP. Zena’s primary responsibilities include practice development, market and competitor performance analysis, client relationship management, counter-intelligence and marketing.  Zena brings a unique perspective to intelligence and market dynamics because of broad business development, data management, marketing, and corporate research experience in a variety of sectors. A regular speaker, writer and blogger on competitive intelligence topics in Canada and abroad, Zena is a data junkie who revels in the possibilities of data to connect people, places and things. Zena is a sessional instructor at the UofT iSchool, recently served as the Chair SLA Competitive Intelligence Division Board of Directors. She can be reached at @ZAppleCI.