Dr. Craig S. Fleisher on Using Intelligence for Economic Development, Growth and Innovation Dr. Craig S. Fleisher on Using Intelligence for Economic Development, Growth and Innovation – Aurora WDC In the following interview, Lora Bray talks with...
How to Use Strategic Mapping to Interpret and Optimize Market Intelligence
From leading or facilitating 100s of strategic projects over the past 25 years, we saw the need for a better approach to capturing interpreting and utilizing the masses of research and intelligence we gather in which to envision the future and construct strategic plans.
How to Evolve Intelligence Organizations for Maximum Success
How can intelligence leaders future-proof their organizational structures to prepare for the strategic, market and competitive challenges of tomorrow?
How to Prepare for 2025’s Intelligence Technology
Nova Spivack, CEO and co-founder of Bottlenose, will discuss how the nature of data is changing from static to streaming and from structured to unstructured, and how present day big data analytics and intelligence tools weren’t designed for this new real-time data environment.
How to Drive High Performance Intelligence Teams
Is it possible to put your strategic, market and competitive intelligence function on a path toward higher performance? Are there any universal lessons to be learned from more experienced corporate practitioners that can be adapted and adopted to any program?
Reflecting on the Past 4 Years of Jim Mathews Award Winners
From my vantage point as the organizer of the Jim Mathews Award and Fellowship for Intelligence Excellence (hereafter, Mathews medal), I have personally gotten to know all the semi-finalists, and eventual winners, of the Mathews medal since we first...
How to Drive Adoption of Intelligence Systems
Zena Applebaum and Chris Taylor share and discuss practical examples and techniques of engaging your existing audience and capturing the attention and knowledge of the audience that doesn’t yet understand the power of intelligence systems and technology.
How to Become a Better Buyer of Intelligence Support Services: 10 Myths Exposed
Melanie Wing and Craig McHenry discuss common myths, misunderstandings, fallacies and assumptions prevalent in the interactions between internal corporate practitioners and their external intelligence provider counterparts.
How to Find the Right Market Intelligence Technology for Your Company
JP Ratajczak discusses how investments in information systems can deliver immediate, positive outcomes through increased competitive advantage.
“Driving High Performance Intelligence Teams” Theme for 2016 RECONVERGE:G2 Intelligence Leadership Symposium
When Derek Johnson asked me to co-chair the upcoming RECONVERGE:G2 Symposium in Madison this coming April, I carefully considered his proposal for approximately 3.8 seconds. I’ve been impressed with every RECONVERGE conference I’ve attended, and this was...