What will a career in strategic, market and competitive intelligence look like in the years ahead? What are the trends driving our field forward today and how can we align our professional development goals with those trends to prepare ourselves for the rest of our careers?
Since 1995, Aurora WDC has advocated a very different career direction for intelligence practitioners in business; acting as connectors between decision makers asking the questions about the future of their business with knowledgeable sources inside and outside the firm who have the answers. Intelligence itself has been transforming itself from a question-answerer to question-asker… while helping organizational leadership ask better, more actionable questions about the critical uncertainties that are driving their business into the future. We call this new mission “reconnaissance” because it represents the decentralization applying insights and analytics to the frontline of the business while simultaneously elevating the ability of generating insights and analytics to new heights.
And, for insights and analytics professionals to fulfill this mission, they will need to invest in their own skills development to drive their ability to help solve business problems higher.
On this special 21st anniversary webinar, Aurora WDC leaders – Arik Johnson, Derek Johnson, Craig Fleisher and Michel Bernaiche – will be joined by some special guests to describe how they’ve been working to build The RECONVERGE Network as a destination to fulfill the promise of a social learning community to elevate the practice of CI beyond the traditional practitioner audience and into the highest echelons of corporate decision making.
Learning Objectives
- Which skills will be necessary to help our most important institutions cope with and prepare for an uncertain future?
- How can we collaborate together, across organizations, to build a learning community that can adapt to accelerating change?
- What future methods and tools will be made available to empower insights and analytics professionals to control their own career destiny?